Dance Therapy | Chakra Alignment | Kinetic Meditation

Be held in a safe and sacred container of healing, energetic release, and revitalization. 

Mondays 6pm-8pm facilitated by DJ TIGERHEART

Utilizing the Electrifying potential of Kinetic energy, we will deepen our understanding of relationships between movement, the human body, collective and personal energy bodies, and Mind / soul / Psychology.

We will learn how to use these interconnecting wisdoms to breakthrough patterns and cycles of lower vibrational behavior, thought forms, entity attachments, soul contracts no longer serving our highest good.

What is Kundalini Dance? 

Kundalini Dance is a dance therapy technique created combining the freedom of ecstatic dance with the structure of a guided meditation practice to cleanse, clear, and balance all seven chakras from Earth Star to Soul Star. 

It is a guided spiritual practice of unblocking energies and limiting beliefs within each of the chakras centers in coordination with an intentional DJ set curated with music that corresponds to the frequency of each chakra, to facilitate this deep unblocking process. You will unlock your Avatar State potential of Enlightenment, Wholeness, Perfected State of Vital Energy 

EXAMPLE: the root chakra resonates at the note of C and so when working with the root we would be playing with music that has a key C to organically shift the subconscious mind and heal the nervous system.

There is an added element of sound healing with the intentional music soundtrack in conjunction with physical and energetic healing received from kinetic meditation.

Who is Tiger Heart? 

Tiger Heart is an ecstatic dance DJ, producer, musician, Reiki and sound healer with over 10+ years of professional experience curating and performing at live events, including but not limited to birthday parties, clubs, festivals, ecstatic dances, retreats, intentional connection containers, and private gatherings. 

After a spiritual awakening in Los Angeles in 2019, Tiger committed their music and DJ career specifically to aid in the transformational healing of consciousness after realizing the power of consciousness to create reality and the power of frequency to shift our vibrations and realities, in order to balance the scales of this earth plane and liberate ALL OF humanity from states of low vibrational slavery consciousness.

After several PAST LIFE REGRESSIONS Tiger came to realize they are an ascended master from Sirius B on a specific earth mission to guide all beings who are ready to ascend to their fifth dimensional avatar states and aid them in that transformational process of releasing the confines of this third dimensional reality and allowing your energy and vibration to RISE AND ASCEND TO HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS samadhi STATES SELF REALIZATION ACHIEVED THROUGH dance, self reflection, meditation, self inquiry and self love.




Turn your vibrational lead into GOLD

You will unlock your Avatar State potential of Enlightenment, Wholeness, Perfected State of Vital Energy AS IS OUR NATURAL FIFTH DIMENSIONAL HEAVENLY ANGELIC EXPRESSIONS. 

First dance by donation! Register here


Jan 06 2025


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Hawaiian Sanctuary Eco Retreat Center
13-3194 Pahoa-Kalapana Rd Pāhoa, HI 96778
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13-3194 Pahoa-Kalapana Rd
Pāhoa, HI 96778

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